About Me
All About Mrs. Frost
All About Mrs. Frost
My name is Melanie Frost. I have been a teacher since 1996. I spent my first two years teaching first grade in Humboldt County. Since 1998, I have been teaching in the Rocklin Unified School District. After 15 years in Kindergarten, I finally got a promotion to first grade! I love teaching first grade! My passions are guided reading, math and getting children to be problem-solvers! I also try and convert at least 5 students to Dodgers fans a year...I'm just keeping it real...:)
I am married to a wonderful man, John Frost. John is my hero. He has Parkinson's and Diabetes and stays home with our boys. He makes me dinner and does my laundry... He is a brave man. We have two boys. Nolan is turning 16 in November and is a Sophomore at Rocklin High School! He loves basketball, track and video games. He is a champion sleeper. Reagan will be 11 in January and is in the 5th grade at a PCOE classroom at Quail Glen for students with autism. He loves singing, jumping and his ipad. He is not a champion sleeper. He loves riding horses on Saturdays.
We live in Roseville. We have a dog named Copper, a cat named Patches and a bunny named Thumper. Whenever your children go to look at animals people are giving away...just say no. This is my lesson to impart to parents. I apparently am unable to do this.
As many of you know I am a huge Dodgers fan! I grew up near LA and have always bled blue. But I encourage sportsmanship and love that many of my students are passionate Giants fans. (I have to say that...secretly I have cried on the inside the last 5 years....)
I look forward to a great year!
Birthday: August 22nd
Color: blue
Sport: baseball
Team: Dodgers
Food: anything with sugar in it, I love sugar!
Hobby: cycling my bike's name is Ruby the Road bike
Restaurant: Lucille;s, Cheesecake Factory
Starbucks Drink: Chai Tea Latte
Charities: American Diabetes Association, Micheal J. Fox's Parkinson's Foundation